
Real Estate Common Abbreviations

AIACBNG: All Information Assumed Correct but Not Guaranteed 
AKA: Also Known As 
AOI: Articles of Incorporation 
AOS: Agreement of Sale 
ARV: After Repair Value 
ASHI: American Society of Home Inspectors 
B&F: Best and Final (Offer) 
BBA: Buyers Broker Agreement 
BINSR: Buyer Inspection Notice and Seller Response 
BINSR: Buyers Inspection Request, Sellers Response 
BMA: Broker Market Analysis 
BOM: Back on the Market 
BPO: Broker Price Opinion 
BTVBCOE: Buyer to Verify Before Close Of Escrow 
CAD: Community Association Disclosure 
CAD: Community Association Disclosure 
CAM: Common Area Maintenance 
CAP: Capitalization Rate 
CC: Closing Costs 
CCR: Covenants, Codes & Restrictions 
CCS: Contingent Continue to Show (For homes that are pending but seller wants backup offers) 
CD: Closing Disclosure/Closing Docs 
CDA: Commission Disbursement Authorization 
CF: Call First 
CLB: Commercial Loan Broker 
CMA: Comparative Market Analysis 
CMA: Comparative Market Analysis (though some are changing this name a bit) 
COE: Close of Escrow 
COE: either Code of Ethics or Close of Escrow 
CRM: Contact Relationship Manager 
CSS: Centralized Showing System 
CTA: Change in Terms Addendum 
CTC: Clear to Close 
DB: Database 
DD: Due Diligence 
DOM: Days on Market 
DTF: Down to Finance 
DTI: Debt to Income ratio 
ECOA: Equal Credit Opportunity Act 
EI: Escrow Instructions 
ELF: Existing Light Fixture 
EMD: Earnest Money Deposit 
FB: Facebook 
FE RPA: Fully Executed Residential Purchase Agreement 
FHA: Federal Housing Administration 
FHLMC: Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation 
FKA: Formerly known As 
FNMA: Federal National Mortgage Association 
FRBO: For Rent by Owner 
FROG: Family Room Over Garage 
FSBO: For Sale by Owner 
FU: Follow Up 
GCI: Gross Commission Earned 
GFE: Good Faith Estimate 
GLA: Gross Living Area 
H&B: Highest & Best (Offer) 
HECM: Home Equity Conversion Mortgage 
HELOC: Home Equity Line of Credit 
HOA: Home Owners Association 
KB: Key Box (also LB: Lock Box) 
LA: Listing Agent 
LB: Listing Broker 
LBPD: Lead Base Paint Disclosure 
LOI: Letter of Intent 
LTV: Loan to Value ratio 
MIP: Mortgage Insurance Premium 
MIP: Mortgage Insurance Premium 
MLS: Multiple Listing Service 
MOD: Multiple Offer Disclosure 
MUH: Multi Unit Housing 
O&A: Offer and Acceptance (Which may mean in attorney review) 
OLP/SP: Original List Price To (Actual Final) Sales Price 
OMC: Owner May Carry (Mortgage) 
OOR: Owner of Record 
OTP: Offer to Purchase 
OTP: Owner’s Title Policy 
OTP: Owner’s Title Policy 
PCO: Post-Closing-Occupancy 
PITI: Principal Interest Taxes and Insurance 
PMI: Private Mortgage Insurance 
PMI: Private Mortgage Insurance 
POF: Proof of Funds 
POF: Proof of funds 
R2R: Request to Remedy 
REO: Real Estate Owned (by a bank) 
RESPA: Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act 
ROI: Return on Investment 
ROR: Rate of Return 
RPD: Residential Property Disclosure 
S/S: Stainless Steel 
SCO: Seller Counter Offer 
SF: Square Feet 
SFD: Single Family Dwelling 
SMCO: Sellers Multiple Counter Offer 
SOI: Sphere of Influence 
SPDS: Sellers Property Disclosure Statement 
SQFT: Square Feet 
SRPDS: Sellers Real Property Disclosure Statement 
SS: Short Sale 
TC: transaction coordinator 
TI: Termite Inspection 
TILA / RESPA: Truth in Lending Act/Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (New Integrated Disclosure Documents) 
USDA: United States Department of Agriculture 
UST: Underground Storage Tank 
VA: Veterans Affairs 
VKB: Vacant Key Box 
VOE: Verification of Employment 
WDI: Wood Destroying Insect inspection 
WIC: Walk in Closet