
Real Estate Calculators

Use our wide variety of real estate calculators to better analyze your potential new purchase.

Use our mortgage calculator to estimate your monthly mortgage payment. You can input a different home price, down payment, loan term and interest rate to see how your monthly payment changes. Our monthly payment estimates are broken down by principal and interest, property taxes and homeowners insurance.

per year
per year

Your total monthly payment

Principal & Interest
Home insurance
Property taxes

Not sure how much you can afford? Use the affordability calculator to help determine what price range you should be looking in.

Affordability Calculator

Monthly Gross Income $
Monthly Debt Expenses [?] $
Down Payment: $
Interest Rate: %

Closing Costs are an important part of the buying process. Learn what they are and how to estimate them so you are prepared at the outset of your journey.

Closing Costs Calculator
Loan Information
Loan Amount $
View/Edit Closing Cost Details